As I write this I'm heartsick, heartsick because it's so common, heartsick because I, as well, have practiced it, and heartsick above all because God is so heartsick about it.
Oh my friends, we have been sacrificing our precious children on the altar of Baal! How? Surely we all can see what's happening, what's being taught, modeled, and forced into the heads of kids in school systems? And more subtly, have you considered the same thing being done by movies, tv shows, games & other vain amusements?
Webster's Dictionary says one definition for vain is: without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless and amusement as: anything that amuses; pastime; entertainment.
More significantly "vain amusements" are referenced in 2 Timothy when talking about the condition that people will fall into in the last days:
" [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God." 2 Timothy 3:4 AMP
And later in the chapter it says: "from such turn away".
God says if you love Him you will obey Him. If professing Christians were honest they would acknowledge that Hollywood was bad & schools were programming kids, and some may even pull their kids out of the school system but how few ever will unplug them from the idol of television, and cut off all vain amusements! Compromise maybe, try to "filter" what they watch maybe but never completely abolish it, never turn their hearts and those of their children from the altar of Baal. So more children continue to be sacrificed.
Sadly, most people can't even imagine never watching tv again. They try to "balance" Christianity with the world (Satan) but Jesus never taught that, in fact, when people came to him and weren't willing to leave all behind he sent them away as unworthy to follow Him (Luke 14:25-33)
"If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. " Luke 14:26-27 (Emphasis mine)
And again he emphasis that point later:
"So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Luke 14:33-34
He even told a parable of guests invited to a wedding feast who wouldn't come because they wouldn't leave the things that they clung to (their idols) and come, they were found unworthy and when one guest came and didn't wear a proper wedding garment he was cast out into "outer darkness". (Matthew 22:2-14)
We cannot bend our knee to the Altar of Baal and still follow Christ, we cannot sacrifice our children on his altar and say we've dedicated them to God. Elijah pleaded with the people to stop trying to serve God and Baal but to choose who they would serve!
We need to repent! I repented for watching that idol so long, for calling it "harmless", for trying to "Christianize" the devil, I repented for putting two beautiful children who were made in the image of God in front of it, and I grieved over it, and grieved over the fact it had such a hold on me!
Don't think it has a hold on you? Stop watching it, stop using "vain amusements" for a month. Listen to what gets talked about and referenced in your homes!
I sat in a church Sunday school with my autistic nephew and the only topic those children talked about were movies and tv. That is what their minds were full of, that is what their hearts were full of! How can anyone call that "harmless" or "innocent"??
Here is just one example of the programming involved with "entertainment" geared towards children that looks innocent. (The devil does masquerade as an angel of light!)
When I repented it took time but, by the grace of God, I was able to see things so much more clearly, and serve God with an undivided heart.
Please, let's repent!! Let's stop sacrificing our children with the fire from Baal's altar and instead present them to God to be dedicated to the All Consuming Fire, who tolerates no other God's, and in so doing save their lives, save their very souls.
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